

Chigurh e Siths

Já há algum tempo queria fazer um "fanart" do Anton Chigurh, personagem de Javier Bardem em "No Country For Old Man", onde os fracos não tem vez. Bem, hoje saiu tudo duma vez e fazia tempo que eu não começava e terminava um desenho no mesmo dia. Acho que é porque não tem cenário, :o)

my old asshole bosses were siths, and so there were the master and the apprentice. the master is a really nasty, non-ethical, thief, grotesque person. the apprentice is an asskisser, zero-talented, cry baby, power lover, playboy person.

yadda, yadda...

anyway, this sith apprentice travels a lot visiting animation studios and cons in canada, looking for partnerships on something. so you, my foreign reader, must know his name: rodrigo gava. and if he stops by to visit your studio, knows that he has no ethics, no talent and he is actually a slime, and knows nothing about animation or business. he is just an ass kisser.

since i no longer work for those sith (just went out yelling some nasty true shit on the apprentice face), i no longer think about the stuff they do. it was the best thing i ever did going out.

valeu, e obrigado pelas visitas galera!


André said...

I agree entirely. How could it happen?

What is the name for this kind of thing?

There is a interesting brazilian book for those people.

Anderson Souza said...

Ótimo post.
Ótimo desenho e comentário melhor ainda.

Rodrigo Soldado said...

valeu aí caras!